Wednesday, June 13, 2012


I've watched these three young ladies, Best Friends Forever, grow up together since they were toddlers. My grand daughter Lily, in the middle, graduated from 6th Grade yesterday! I've never witnessed a more beautiful  ceremony. I'm not saying this because I just love my grand daughter, but because it was a celebration of ASL signing and singing, hopes and dreams, Smiles and Tears. The future is bright as their smiles!
I blurred the background to just focus on the the important subjects of the day B F F 2012.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

My first post...

Today I start being a Blogger!
It will be about my Passions in life, most of the time is will be in the form of photos and art.

I love Photography!  I Love Art!
My website.
There are so many different stories that fit in a moment in time. My Photos, my Artistic Digital Impressions and my Oil Paintings are the moments in time that have captured me. So I will share some thoughts and images as I do life. Thanks for visiting and sharing!